Individual Education & Coaching

Ginny Witte, PdD

Education & Coaching

Would you like to understand emotions and how to manage them?

How to manage stress? Or meet the needs of your teen?

What do children need to build resilience?

What do I need to heal my trauma? Someone I know has trauma, what can I do?

What can I do as an educator, therapist, parent, or leader to support mental wellbeing in the people in my circle?

I can help you with the answers and guide you on your journey through. Whether you would like to understand yourself better, teammates, family members, or others you work with, a better understanding of how the body works and influences our mental health can improve your wellbeing, relationships, and success in life. I would love to help you on this journey.


I am an educator at heart and truly love educating individuals on trauma and how it may be impacting their life. As a coach I help clients understand the stress or trauma in their life, and how to work through the trauma using their own personal strengths. We explore additional tools, or life skills that support post traumatic growth and build resilience. 

While coaching is not therapy, educational coaching can help you understand how emotions and behavior are a result of biology and experiences, or trauma, and how they impact our daily life. Through understanding and skills, you are better equipped to move forward through healing with strength and confidence. 

Mental Health Coaching
My purpose is to help you find wholeness and healing. My goal is to help you find your own goals and discover where stress, trauma, or other emotional or mental health challenges are holding you back. Together we will work through the blockages with the use of a variety of healing tools. You will find a deeper understanding of yourself, become stronger, and receive support in reaching your goals. and being the best version of you. 

Coaching is an educational process and guided by your goals. Using tools that you can integrate into your life, I help you learn to self-regulate and reach your goals. I also educate clients on valuable coping skills that both improve mental health and that help you overcome trauma. 

Coaching can work with, or alongside therapy, adding in new and different dimensions of healing. Coaching is wonderful in helping you build strength and resilience to ride the waves of life. Life is hard and coaching can help you learn helpful skills to ride the challenges life brings. Coaching is also very helpful for individuals who are transitioning out of therapy and would like to implement new skills to maintain wellbeing. 

I would love to help you on your journey. 

Healing from Trauma

I find that when we understand how our mind and body work, many of the issues we struggle with make sense. We are also better able to create a life that aligns with healthy habits. Healthy habits are the foundation of a healthy life. Many of us are still thinking and responding to the world in ways we learned as children. Ways that worked for our younger self, but may no longer be helpful. Coaching can help you change that pattern and create a more joyful life.

Healing from Trauma is a journey, not an event. Healing takes time, exploration, and support. I am here to give you support in your journey. There are four general areas that support a healthy and healing lifestyle: the body, the mind, movement, and how we live each day. My work focuses on your physiology, your understanding of trauma, somatic work, and tools to help you create a lifestyle program that supports a healthy life.

Four Parts to Healing

There are four areas to address in working through mental wellbeing and trauma. These four areas are most often addressed through a team approach. Sometimes one area such as understanding your mental health blocks and addressing them through one approach such as self-care and lifestyle changes may be enough. For deeper issues, or long-term issues, a team approach may be needed.

Women talking


Medical care: how your body is functioning on a cellular and system level. Healing takes energy, whether this is physical or emotional healing. A healthy body is best prepared to undertake and sustain healing.

Therapy and Coaching

Therapists are licensed professionals who can help you work through the issues holding you back. Therapists work at a deeper level than coaches. Therapists are able to diagnose mental illnesses and provide treatment.

Coaches are not licensed and do not diagnose or manage mental illness. Coaches work with clients for shorter periods of time than therapists and focus on the future, or your goals. Coaches are not medical professionals. Rather, coaches educate and help clients find obstacles to their goals and ways to work through the obstacles. So while therapists help clients with introspective work, coaches focus on how to reach goals going forward.

Therapists are able to work with insurance for services while coaches do not.

Movement / Somatic Work

Movement and somatic work are a critical part of healing from trauma. Trauma is felt and expressed in the body. By learning about trauma and working with the body, you can reduce reactions to memories or adverse experiences. You will learn how to bring yourself back to balance after difficult experiences, or when you are triggered.

Together we will find movement practices that you enjoy and align with your goals. Movement can release trauma, move energy through the body, and bring energy into the body when needed. Somatic practices are tools that you will learn to become more aware of the needs of your nervous system, tools that can be used to bring yourself back to balance, and tools to build resilience to weather the storms of life. Somatic Therapists may use somatic activities such as mindfulness, short meditations, breathing, self-compassion and gratitude. These are all research based practices and have been shown to improve mental health and work with trauma. However, a Somatic Therapist will know which movement or somatic practice to use, when, and how to get positive results.

There are many forms of working with the body. Somatic work can take many forms and is best practiced with a well trained practitioner who is also knowledgeable about mental health and the connection to the body as a system.

Self-Care or Lifestyle Practices

These practices are where you do the work. This is where you begin to implement what you have learned to support a healthy life and your healing goals. This is hard work at first. As a coach I can help you create, implement, and give support to help you do the hard work.
Woman in yoga pose

Education & Coaching

In today’s world we all move through periods of stress and traumatic events. Others have lived very traumatic lives. Through educational coaching you can learn how to ride through the ups and downs with life in a more balanced manner and move towards the person you would like to be.

While coaching is not therapy, educational coaching can help you understand how emotions and behavior are a result of biology and experiences. They are part of the human experience. You can also learn how to support your biology and change your experiences. These changes can clearly change your life.

My work is focused on helping you reach life goals through learning to understand and work with your emotional and behavioral patterns. I will help:

  • you learn how your emotions and your behaviors are related to your lived and passed on experiences. 
  • learn tools to use to be with and heal uncomfortable emotions 
  • create goals that support mental health and the life you seek 
  • build resilience to weather the storms of life


Trauma Informed Coaching is a specialty gaining a great deal of attention. This is not surprising as nearly ¾ of adults in the U.S. have experienced trauma. However, it is a field of expertise that is complex and deep. A Trauma Informed practitioner should have substantial training in understanding what trauma is, as trauma affects a person’s wellbeing biologically, emotionally, developmentally, and relationally. This needs to be addressed carefully and with knowledge. 

A Trauma Informed Coach should understand the many types of trauma and work within their scope of knowledge and skill. It is necessary to prevent retriggering clients from previous trauma. A coach should also know when to refer the client to others for care. 

Ginny Witte


Individual sessions: $125

6 Week classes: $650


  • The Trauma Cycle
  • Understanding and Managing Stress
  • Emotion, Memory, and Triggers
  • The Vagus Nerve and Your Window of Tolerance
  • The Art of Letting Go
  • Tools For Resilience
  • Connection & Relationships
  • Your Self-Care Plan

Training Provided To

Bethany Christian Services
Calvary Church Logo
Michigan Association of School Social Workers logo
Michigan School Counselor Association logo
GR Therapy Logo
Bethany Christian Services
gvsu logo
trauma informed educators network<br />
northpointe christian schools logo

OUR Mission

To foster healthy and resilient communities where all people can heal and thrive through connection, education, resources, and combined effort.

Come join me on this journey and become trauma informed

It is my mission to share what research tells us about what trauma is and how it affects daily life!