Nature as Your Teacher: A Simple Walk In the Woods Can Teach You a Lot About Life


Are you the type of person who loves a leisurely stroll through the woods? Today I have a special photoblog for you: a meditative journey and a contemplative view of nature in the hills of the Carolinas.

A few years ago I was taking part in a course related to trauma at the University of North Carolina in Asheville. As with many training sessions, my time was filled with exciting information and my brain seemed to be overflowing with lots of great ideas.

I knew I needed to take a night and process the new learning by visiting the nature center near the college campus. I decided a long stroll in the woods was just what I needed.

When given the opportunity to be in nature, it is difficult for me to say no. Nature is my second home.

Spending time in nature helps me decompress from the stresses of life. It helps me think about what I have learned and apply it to my work. I often gain new perspectives and solve stubborn problems.

On this day, however, nature spoke to me about life. I realized that the rhythms of life can also be found in nature.

I hope as I share this photo journey, you also enjoy what nature has to offer. I invite you to look through each of the photos and take a moment to reflect on what nature has to share with you.

Truly, nature nourishes our mind, body, and soul.

Rhododendron bush growing over a small cottage

Rhododendron bush growing over a small cottage.

As I started my walk I came across these large, sprawling Rhododendron bushes. With the rambling vines and colorful blooms, it felt as though they were greeting me with song.

In Michigan, where I live, these plants grow into a large bush. In the Smoky Mountains, these beauties grow to the size of a small house. I had never seen them flourish like this before! The dense canopy of the forest, the mild climate, and the rich soil in North Carolina make these plants thrive.

What environment makes you flourish?

Photo The French Broad River flows near the university campus

The French Broad River flows near the university campus.

The rivers were simply beautiful: crystal clear, cool, and full of life. You can’t help but gaze deeply searching for all the wonderful treasures.

It was here I found a profound sense of peace. The water seemed to move through me as it flowed downstream. Away went the thoughts that clogged my head.

Just like the water that flows peacefully and effortlessly, there will be times when you just flow through life. Maybe it’s a season of life that is particularly enjoyable. Maybe that sense of flow is only a few minutes.

Enjoy the moments and the beauty as you pass through life. Take it all in so you can intimately remember each place you have traveled.

What do you take with you as you flow through a place? What memory, idea, thoughts, or feelings?

Photo A delicate purple flower peeks out from a green forest floor

A delicate purple flower peeks out from a green forest floor.

Being different gets you center stage! Sometimes we have to stand alone to make a statement. Sometimes we are alone. This flower does it with quiet, gentle beauty.

What is new and different in your life right now?

Photo An old tree is uprooted from a storm.

An old tree is uprooted from a storm.

Oh dear, sometimes life can really uproot us! Challenges will undoubtedly come and aren’t always avoidable. Sometimes they feel big, like this fallen tree. Sometimes we feel like life might knock us over.

But it doesn’t have to be this way. By finding the resilient part of yourself, or support from yourself and others, you can remain strong and tall. You can withstand the challenges and become stronger yet.

What challenges have you faced that have made you stronger?

Photo Dense vines growing on a sturdy fence.

Dense vines growing on a sturdy fence.

I love this image because I see a strong and solid fence that lends structure and support to a lovely vine that envelopes it with its cover and beauty.

I also see a firm foundation in the fence, allowing the plant to grow and show its beauty. I find this similar to the foundation we provide to the children in our lives. With a firm foundation, we too can grow and flourish.

Who or what is a foundation in your life? How does that foundation enrich your life?

Photo A long gravel path winding through the forest.

A long gravel path winding through the forest.

As I strolled down this lovely path I wondered with excitement about what might be around the corner. Here I am reminded that sometimes we know where we are headed in the long run, but we never know what’s around the next corner! Prepare to be delighted and surprised.

How has life delighted you recently?

Photo Bridge closed over the river.

Bridge closed over the river.

Sometimes you come upon a detour in life and need another way.

When have you had to change course in life?

Photo Dense plants growing in a pond perfectly hiding

Dense plants growing in a pond, perfectly hiding…

I was so surprised to happen upon this lovely little pond. Often you cannot see the whole picture from where you stand ~

Photo Other side of pond with metal sculpture in the water

Other side of pond with metal sculpture in the water.

But when I moved around it was even more beautiful from this new perspective.

Where might you need another perspective? What helps you find new perspectives?

Photo Berries growing on a tree branch.

Berries growing on a tree branch.

There seems to always be something blooming in nature. Each plant takes its turn. Waiting takes patience and sometimes a bit of nurturing. When the moment is right, the fruit is ripe, the end result can be pure joy.

What moments in your life have you had to wait?

Photo Clear gravel path.

Clear gravel path.

Sometimes your path in life is remarkably clear –

Photo Overgrown path on the forest floor.

Overgrown path on the forest floor.

Sometimes it’s not! When you have to search for the way, you may find interesting treasures as you go.

What is a special treasure you’ve found on your way through life? It could be a person, a place, or an object.

Photo Wooden staircase up the side of a steep hill

Wooden staircase up the side of a steep hill.

And other times, life can be just plain work!

What part of life is work for you right now? What might make it easier or more pleasant?

Photo Sturdy stone bench by the river.

Sturdy stone bench by the river.

A good friend is a source of support, stability, and a place to find rest. It gave me a peaceful space to take in the surrounding beauty and ponder the meaning of it all.

Who is your rock or support? Who gives you space to explore options and ideas?

Photo An aged boulder with detailed lines formed over millions of years.

An aged boulder with detailed lines formed over millions of years.

Aging provides you with many lines, wrinkles, and bulges. But each one contains history and a rich story waiting to be heard.

What stories do you have to pass on?

Photo Path leading right up to the large boulder.

Path leading right up to the large boulder.

One path in life may end causing us to seek a new path.

When have you had to find a new path in life?

Photo Large evergreen tree hiding cheerful singing birds

Large evergreen tree hiding cheerful, singing birds.

I could hear the beautiful sound of birds singing and smell the wonderful fragrance of flowers blooming, yet I could not detect the source. Every day your life is filled with blessings that others have bestowed upon you and you don’t always know who placed them there. What treasures they are to us.

What blessings have you received today?

Photo Tiny buds at the ends of a lovely evergreen branch.

Tiny buds at the ends of a lovely evergreen branch.

There were only tiny bits of growth on this evergreen. Sometimes in the journey of life you grow a lot, other times a little . . . but you are always growing.

When have been your biggest moments of growth?

Photo Bench plaque dedicating the gardens to Virginia Richardson Canfield.

Bench plaque dedicating the gardens to Virginia Richardson Canfield.

Many thanks to this lovely lady who helped provide a way for me to learn from nature today! Her quote reminds me of one of the reasons I love nature and gardening.

What does nature give to you?

I encourage you to get outside, wherever you are, and take a slow, quiet walk to decompress, regulate your nervous system, and allow nature to speak to you!

Nature has many health benefits. Spending time in nature is also very regulating to the nervous system, making it a wonderful self care practice.  If you would like to read more, check out the following resources:

Walk Barefoot

Resources and further reading:

Forest Bathing

Grow Wild. (n.d.). Five simple steps to practicing Shinrin-Yoku (forest bathing).

Connect >>

Healing Forest. (n.d.). Forest bathing: Shinrin-Yoku.

Healing Forest. (n.d.). Meditation, garden: Ideas, elements, insights.

Healing Forest. (n.d.). Nature calm: Find your peace, find your health.

Treadway, A. (2019). The secret to mindful travel? A walk in the woods.


Chaudhury, P. & Banerjee, D. (2020). “Recovering with nature”: A review of ecotherapy and implications for the COVID-19 pandemic. Frontiers in Public Health, 8.             

Summers, J.K. & Vivian. D.N. (2018). Ecotherapy – A forgotten ecosystem service: A review. Frontiers in Psychology, 9,(1389). doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2018.01389

Taylor, S. (2021). The power of nature: Ecotherapy and awakening. Psychology Today.

Hiking Meetups

Check online for local meetup groups in your area. Meetup groups exist for hiking, biking, camping, and many other outdoor activities. Joining a group also provides opportunities for socializing and meeting new friends.