Join Our Trauma Informed Grand Rapids Community
Welcome to our Trauma Informed Community page! Here you will find a listing of trauma informed professionals in the Grand Rapids and surrounding area. You also have the opportunity to join our community and help us grow.
The listings include therapists, somatic therapists, medical professionals, churches, and organizations. Each individual or group is committed to working with you through the lens of trauma informed care. Being committed to trauma-informed practices means the professionals are sensitive to an individual’s needs, backgrounds, and culture in relation to work, life, and policies. We believe approaching individuals this way builds safety, trust, connection, collaboration, healing, and growth. Together, we can create communities and support the wellbeing in the lives of each individual, whether, at home, at work, or as a member of society. In the end, people, both individually and collectively are more productive, healthier, and happier citizens.
We also believe that through trauma informed care, we can support those who are going through traumatic experiences to have better outcomes. Together, we can promote healing and growth through offering support and resources to those living with trauma. Trauma occurs through broken relationships. Trauma is also healed in relationships. Our goal is to help build better relationships and promote healing.
Who might be interested in joining?
- Therapists, educators, childcare staff, and medical professionals who work with trauma
- A parent who wants to help their child become strong and resilient
- Law enforcement, firefighters, and others in the emergency field
- A judge who wants to run a trauma informed court
- An attorney who wants to connect better with clients
- A sports coach who wants to pull out the best in the athletes
- A church whose many members experience a variety of traumas
- A writer or newscaster who wants to understand their audience better or create text and video that is trauma sensitive
- An insurance company who wants to help their insurers
- A realtor who wants to connect with clients and find housing that best meets the specific needs of the client
- Professionals who work with the elderly
- Planners & developers involved in urban planning
- Libraries, universities, and clubs
If you live in our community, please join us!
Join our TIGR Community
If you would like to join our community as a Trauma Informed therapist, medical or health care practice, somatic practitioner, or are a trauma informed organization, apply today.
Find a Trauma Informed Therapist, Doctor, or Provider
What is Trauma Informed?
A trauma informed lens looks at individuals in light of their culture, genetics, and experiences. Particularly, the prevalence of adverse childhood experiences. A trauma informed lens understands that much of our behavior and health is a direct result of our biological makeup and the traumatic experiences that we have lived. When we look at people this way we are better able to respond with compassion, kindness and respect for the unique individual they are. The result is that we can create safer, more connected, and emotionally healthier communities and services where we all benefit and can become our best selves.
Training Provided To

OUR Mission
To foster healthy and resilient communities where all people can heal and thrive through connection, education, resources, and combined effort.